In the aroma - noble hops. Almost a fruitiness like raspberries or strawberries as it warms. The malty sweetness is there foremost, though - almost toffee-like.
Looks aside, it tastes like a blond, but maltier, if that makes sense. There is some caramel in there that almost borders on molasses... there's something sneakily dark about it. There's some spice (allspice?), a bit of berry, and those noble hops.
Feel-wise, it's on the light side of medium, with a slick finish. There's a bit of airiness to it from the alcohol and the bitterness. It has tingly carbonation, but not overly so.
Nice stuff!
As an aside, I like the story of how the beer got its name...
Strong blond winterbeer with fluffy white head which has been lagered for 8 months on different stonefruits. Tsjeeses was born out of a 5 year brew experience regarding x-mas beer without being capable of finding a suitable name up to now. With the name came a face, a caricature actually, that was drawn on the day Urbain, our brew master and master brewer, drank too many Tsjeeses’s. Every time he drinks one, he says "Tsjeeses, what a beer". Therefore the name is more an expression of stupefaction than a curse.