Just received today, hot off the e-press, are two versions of Barnone's new logo. At first, I liked it for its simplicity, but wasn't sure of the thumbnail of the version with the colour background - I thought it might obscure it, and not let it stand out, like other breweries (Sea Level) or look like something printed off at home (Green Flash). Maybe it won't even be for a label - just ads / posters, etc. Either way, upon full-res inspection, I think it'll be alright. It's definitely growing on me. Overall, I like the not-too-obvious literal interpretation (a bar of wheat over the zero / "none"), as well as just the overall look and link to beer.
Once again, I can't wait to sample their brews on Saturday. Even better is knowing that a Double / Imperial IPA is in the works for a near-future brew. Thank Jeebus, the beer Gods are finally starting to smile on PEI.