As it pours, you can see that it has a clear, but deep, dark-brown colour with a reddish tint. It's very dark in the glass. A small head lowers down to just a creamy brown film on top. There is some sparse, spread-out, webby lacing.
In the aroma are roasted notes, as well as sweet smells of milk chocolate and dark chocolate.
The flavour is sweet, but not overpoweringly so (like the Vache Folle Imperial Milk Stout). The sweetness is somewhat fruit-like, especially on the exhale. It does, indeed, have a creamy-smooth chocolate flavour, although I thought it might be stronger.
The body is slightly on the heavy side of medium. The mouthfeel is creamy/smooth, and it's just slightly bitter.
Overall, it's more than just a good beer. It's not fantastic, but it's easily enjoyable.