Just when I thought I was running low on variety (I was getting down to only beers I'm trying to age a little), my wife and I had to make another
trip to Halifax. Luckily, Halifax has way more variety than PEI, and always has a few new things to pick from. We went to an NSLC store, Premier (of course), Bishop's Cellar (for Sea Level's beers), and a new one to me, Harvest Wines & Spirits (well worth the stop - and buy something in the seafood side first... you'll get 10% off!).
So... what did I get to fill up the basement for a while and keep the ol' blog going?
Top Row:
Garrison's Imperial IPA, Jalapeno Ale, Raspberry Wheat Ale, Pils, branded glass, 2011 Ol' Fog Burner, Glenora whiskey barrel-aged 2010 Ol' Fog Burner (#'s 141, 142, and 143 of 500), Sea Level Brewing's Blue Heron ESB, Rojo Mojo Red Ale, Port in the Storm Porter, and High Street Wee Heavy Scotch Ale
Middle Row:
Flying Monkeys NetherWorld, St. Ambroise Citrouille (Pumpkin Ale), Mill St. Belgian Wit, Innis & Gunn IPA, Chimay Grande Reserve, Jamaica Stout, Howe Sound Brewing's Rail Ale Nut Brown, Devil's Elbow Inida Pale Ale, Bailout Bitter, and Garibaldi Honey Pale Ale, Primator Premium Dark, and Rogue's Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout, Chocolate Stout, Hazelnut Brown Nectar, Brutal IPA, Juniper Pale Ale, and Chipotle Ale
Bottom Row:
Unibroue's Maudite and Trois Pistoles, Dieu du Ciel!'s Charbonnière, Route des épices, Rosée d'Hibiscus, and Dernière Volonté, Dominus Vobiscum Blanche (Why two? A mistake... I didn't know I got two. Had I noticed it, I would have gotten the Double instead!), Harviestoun's Bitter & Twisted, Old Engine Oil, and Ola Dubh 30, and an inexpensive Stella Artois glass & bottle combo